Updated 1/2021


These active independents have expressed their political affinity through opt-in responses. These independents vote for the candidate that most closely aligns with their ideals and beliefs. Reach out to these voters today to help change the outcome of your campaign!

These high-value prospects would be ideal for the following causes and offers:

  • Voter Outreach
  • Political Fundraising
  • Petitions
  • Senior Causes

*Please inquire about email addresses and telemarketing counts and availability.

Counts Segments Prices
12,334,217 Total Universe/Base Rate $75.00/M
90,269 30 Day Hotline Rate +$15.00/M
340,752 3 Month Count +$10.00/M
Fundraiser Base Rate $65.00/M
FTP/Email Delivery $65.00/F

List Profile & Costs

Source: Online, Responders

Minimum Order: 10,000

Age $0/M
Gender $10.00/M
Ethnicity $20.00/M
Geo/SCF/Zip $8.00/M
Presence of Children $10.00/M
Household Income $10.00/M
Mail Order Buyer $10.00/M
Mail Order Donor $10.00/M
Mail Responder $10.00/M

Additional Details
20% commission to known brokers. Please provide (4) working days to process all orders. All processed orders canceled before the mail date will incur a $50/Flat cancellation fee in addition to applicable running, selection, and shipping charges. Orders canceled after the mail date incur full charges.

List Maintenance
Counts Through 10/31/2020
Last Update 12/2020
Next Update 2/2021
Download Data Card


Linda Amaral, Sales
(410) 721-5700

Yvette Robichaud, List Manager
(410) 721-5700 Ext. 2205

Please send clearances & orders to: